In the heart of Tanzanian jungle among secluded beaches and overgrown ancient ruins secretly lies Chole Mjini Lodge. This unique hotel consist of seven nature friendly treehouses. Each one of them was constructed from wood and has balcony, where you can listen to the jungle or songs and conversations at the firepit.
And there will be a lot to talk about once you’ll get here, because you can snorkel, watch turtles and whales, swim with whale sharks or just sail at the sunset. We loved every minute in here! Highly recommended!
In hotel:
Stay in the safari camp from John Wayne movie!
Historic oceanfront mansion
Sleep in traditional Maasai village!
Book the most friendly hotel in Zanzibar!
Private island with award-winning marine sanctuary
Hidden gem with resident leopard
Enjoy the nature at one of the most remote lodges in Tanzania!
Watch the game from infinity pool
Spend unforgetable night in an underwater room!