Unique hotel Pedras Salgadas offers you a stay in the one-of-a-kind treehouse. It looks futuristic, has a big window facing the forest andcozy rooms with bathroom, kitchen and a bed.
Alternatively, you can choose one of the eco-bungalows with TV and terrace. Of course everything here is eco-friendly, from building materials to LED lighting. You can have a party in the old casino building, swim at the pool or relax at the spa. The choice is yours!
In hotel:
Sleep in a modern yurt with swimming pool!
Spend a night in a converted windmill
Escape city noise on a secluded portugese farm!
Sleep in the famous Seteais Palace!
Book Portugese fortress with Michellin Star food!
Charming rural stay
Spend unforgettable night at the chocolate factory!
Spend a night on a James Bond movie plan!
Stay in the hotel with 25,000-bottles wine celar!
Discover Lisbon from the comfort of 18th-century mansion